01. MaxiBIM

root 于 2024/07/01 17:40 最后修改

MaxiBIM Guidance

MaxiBIM Addon provides a set of Revit-based modeling tools for your improved modeling efficiency and help you gain a more perspective view of models (for free!).

Supported Revit Version: 2016 - 2021, 64bit

Click the following link to download and start your trial!


Welcome to MaxiBIM V1.0.0!

MaxiBIM  V1.0.0 Common tools Supports:

Toggle Black and White background, Toggle Tabs in ribbon, and Advanced Filter:

  • Switch background color between black and white with one click, easily control the styles of both modeling views and printings. 
  • Help you manage the tabs in Revit ribbon, you can have as many add-ins as you like.
  • Advanced filter enhanced the already powerful filter tool for your modeling efficiency.

Tools for viewing, exporting, and annotations.

  • Sync Views help you to simultaneously pan or zoom into your model in different views.
  • PDF Exporting tools let you configure and preview your printouts before exporting.
  • A set of 3D view tools to help you create scoped section views by a selection box, selected elements, or simply the floor you are working on:
    • Easily create a scoped section view by dragging a selection box in plans.
    • Easily create a scoped section view containing selected elements.
    • Create a 3D section view from the current plan.

You can now freely experience the Revit® Modelling tool we proudly provided. Any suggestions and advice are welcomed! Be sure to follow us on #MaxiBIM and learn more at www.maxiBIM.com

MaxiBIM Common Tools

MaxiBIM AEC Tools

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