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Install & Uninstall MaxiBIM on your PC

You can freely install MaxiBIM Addon on your machines! Read our guidance and see how you can easily install and uninstall MaxiBIM for Revit.

Supported Revit Version: 2016 - 2021, 64bit

Click the following link to download and start your trial!


Get the latest MaxiBIM Installer:

You can get MaxiBIM Installer directly from MaxiBIM website.

Or you can choose to download the .msi installer distributed by Autodesk AppStore.(WIP).

MaxiBIM Requirement:

For MaxiBIM Installer downloaded directly from MaxiBIM website:

Supported Revit Version: 2016 - 2021, 64bit

For MaxiBIM Installer downloaded from Autodesk AppStore (WIP) :

Supported Revit Version: 2018 - 2021, 64bit

Read More:

Update your MaxiBIM: